Terms of use

§ 1. List of contents

    • 1. List contents 1
    • 2. Definitions  2
    • 3. Conclusion of the Agreement 3
    • 4. NETGO responsibility 6
    • 5. Information clause – protection of personal data (GDPR) 8
    • 6. Cookie policy 11
    • 7. Withdrawal from the agreement 13
    • 8. Invoices 15
    • 9. Complaints and final provisions 15

Annex No. 1 – a template of the statement on withdrawal from the Agreement 17


§ 2. Definitions


      1. Regulations – the regulations defining the rules of using the https://vignette.express/ website and the rules of providing services by NETGO by means of this website.
      2. Service – the website with the address https://vignette.express/ through which NETGO operates to provide services.
      3. Services – the service of registration of a digital vignette provided by NETGO for Users of the Service.
      4. Agreement – the agreement for provision of the service of registration of a digital vignette concluded between NETGO and the User through the website of the Service.
      5. Personal data – information about an identified or identifiable natural person (“the data subject”); an identifiable natural person is a person who can be directly or indirectly identified, in particular on the basis of an identifier such as name, identification number, location data, internet identifier or one or more specific factors determining physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of a natural person.
      6. User – a natural person with full legal who, through the form available on the website of the Service concludes an agreement for provision of registration of a digital vignette.
      7. NETGO – NETGO spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (LLC LP) SP Z O.O. with its registered office in Katowice, ul. Graniczna 29, 40-017, Katowice, NIP: 9542755521, REGON: 361571148, entered by the Katowice-Wschód District Court in Katowice, 8th Commercial Division, under the number KRS 0000559238.
      8. GDPR – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 relating to protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and rules relating to free flow of personal data and repealing of the Directive 95/46 / EC (general regulation on data protection).
      9. Profiling – means any form of automated processing of personal data, which uses personal data to assess some of the personal constituents of a natural person, in particular to analyse or forecast aspects related to the effects of the work of that person, its economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, credibility, behaviour, location or movement.
      10. Consumer – a natural person who performs a legal transaction with the entrepreneur which is not related directly to the consumer’s business or professional activity.
      11. Digital vignette – payment for the registration of a single-track or four-wheeled vehicle with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes in the electronic toll collection system appropriate for particular countries.
      12. Vehicle – a single-track or four-wheeled vehicle with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes.
      1. Digital content – data produced and delivered in a digital form;
      2. Digital service – a service that allows the consumer to:
      3. a) produce, process, store or access data in a digital form,
      4. b) share data in a digital form that has been sent or created by the consumer or other users of this service,
      5. c) other forms of interaction by means of digital data;
      6. Digital environment – computer hardware, software and network connections used by the consumer to get access or use digital content or digital service;
      7. Compatibility – interaction of digital content, a digital service or goods with computer hardware or software that are usually used to use digital content, a digital service or goods of the same type, without any need to transform them;
      8. Price – the value expressed in monetary units that a consumer is obliged to pay to the entrepreneur for the digital content, the digital service or the goods, and in relation to the digital content or the digital service – also a digital representation of the value.


§ 3. Conclusion and performance of the Agreement


      1. By using the service, the User concludes an Agreement with NETGO on provision of a digital vignette registration services, under which NETGO undertakes to submit an application in the name and on behalf of the User to the relevant office to register a vehicle indicated by the Use in the electronic toll collection system appropriate for particular countries and the User undertakes to pay remuneration for NETGO.
      2. The User concludes the Agreement by completing the registration form on the website of the service and by paying remuneration to NETGO. The remuneration includes a registration fee and the NETGO commission. The payable amount indicated on the website of the service includes VAT. The remuneration is considered to have been paid when the money transfer is deposited in the NETGO bank account. The User makes a payment by traditional bank transfer, by credit card or by means of electronic payment services. The detailed rules for the use of electronic payment services are described below:
      3. a) PayU
      4. b) Ingenico
      5. c) Klarna
      6. d) PayPal

If online payments are selected, the User is automatically redirected to the appropriate external payment service provider.

      1. The User completing the registration form is obliged to provide all data required in the form. The given data should be true, current and correct. After concluding the Agreement to verify the User’s data, NETGO may contact the User on the telephone number provided by the User.
      2. After conclusion of the Agreement, NETGO sends confirmation of the conclusion of the Agreement along with specification of its terms to the e-mail address of the User.
      3. NETGO reserves the right to request the User to supplement personal data, provide additional data or submit relevant documents, if such requests are submitted to NETGO by the appropriate office authorised to issue a digital vignette.
      4. Registration of a vehicle in the toll collection system entitles the holder to use roads of a specific type at a specified time, in accordance with the relevant internal regulations existing in the country to the system of which the User applies for registration.
      5. The User concluding an Agreement for provision of a digital vignette registration service with the NETGO, declares that:
      6. a) the data provided in the form are complete, true, current and free of errors, and other spelling mistakes, in particular, the User is obliged to correctly indicate the registration number of the vehicle and the country in which the vehicle is registered;
      7. b) the User is entitled to use the indicated data, as well as providing the data by the User does not violate the rights of third parties;
      8. c) the User is familiar with the amount of the remuneration due to NETGO and accepts it;
      9. d) the User is aware that providing untrue, incorrect or obsolete data results in impossibility of issuing a digital vignette or impossibility of using a vignette issued on the base of defective data;
      10. e) the User has read the following Regulations and consents to the content of all the provisions;
      11. f) the User has voluntarily concluded an Agreement with NETGO by using the website of the service;
      12. g) the User is aware of the rules applying to the usage of a vignette (rules of registration of a vehicle in the electronic toll collection system) and the rights that are associated with it, in particular the User is aware of the content of the regulations generally applicable in the country of the vehicle registration in the electronic toll collection system and the consequences of violating the above-mentioned regulations;
      13. h) the User is the owner of the vehicle to which the application for registration in the electronic toll collection system applies or has been authorized by the owner to submit such an application;
      14. i) declares that the vehicle to which the registration in the electronic toll collection system applies is a single-track or a four-wheeled vehicle with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 3.5 tons.
      15. Accepting the Regulations by the User constitutes the User’s statement that the User has read the terms and conditions of using the Service.
      16. Conclusion of the NETGO Agreement by the User is tantamount to granting the NETGO the proxy by the User to represent the User before the office competent to register a vehicle in the electronic toll collection system in order to submit an application for registration, pay the registration fee and collect the registration confirmation, as well as other activities necessary in the procedure of registration of the vehicle in the electronic toll collection system and to the extent necessary for performance of the Agreement.
      17. The User’s withdrawal from the Agreement is tantamount to the termination of the proxy granted to NETGO to represent the User before the office competent to register a vehicle in the electronic toll collection system
      18. NETGO transfers the User’s personal data, to the extent necessary for the performance of the Agreement, to the office competent to register the vehicle in the electronic toll collection system together with the registration application.
      19. Immediately after receiving confirmation of registration of the vehicle in the electronic toll collection system, NETGO sends the confirmation to the User by email to the email address provided by the User in the registration form.
      20. By concluding the Agreement, the User indicates on the website of the service the period of time for which the vehicle should be registered in the electronic toll collection system and the day of commencement of the vehicle registration in the system.
      21. Information concerning vehicle registration periods in the electronic toll collection system, a category and type of roads which require a digital vignette in a given country, and information on the amount of NETGO remuneration is presented in details on the website of the service.
      22. At the request of the User, changes concerning the registration number of the vehicle registered in the electronic toll collection system shall be made in accordance with the relevant regulations applying in a particular country.
      23. Using the Website, as well as the digital content and services provided by it, by a user requires the User to have a device with the Internet access and an up-to-date web browser,  moreover the User should have a registered e-mail address, as well as software that allows opening files in PDF format.


§ 4. NETGO Responsibility


      1. NETGO, ensuring correctness and continuity of the Service operation, conducts ongoing technical supervision of its performance.
      2. NETGO is responsible for the operation of the Service webpages or their content.
      3. NETGO shall not be responsible, inter alia, for:
      4. a) consequences of providing, by the User in the registration form, data inconsistent with the actual state, outdated or incomplete, moreover the Service Provider is not responsible for the consequences of the User’s failure to update or improve the data, especially giving a wrong or invalid registration plate number of the vehicle which the application concerns;
      5. b)  damages resulting from the User’s violation of the rights of third parties which are due to the use of the Service,
      6. c) damages caused by disruptions, interruptions or unavailability of the Service caused by force majeure,
      7. d) damages caused or being the result of disobeying the rules of the Regulations,
      8. e) damages resulting from defectiveness or incompatibility of the device used by the User, to the extent that the User has been instructed on the technical conditions of access to the Website or the content available through it,
      9. f) the consequences resulting from the decision of the office competent to register the vehicle, to the extent that NETGO can not bear the blame for the content of the decision.
      10. NETGO indicates that the date of performance of the Agreement, and in particular delivery of the digital vignette to the User, depends on the decision of the office competent to register the vehicle in the electronic toll collection system for which NETGO is not liable and therefore to the extent that NETGO can not bear the blame for delay of its issue.
      11. The exemption of NETGO from liability for damage specified in the Regulations takes place within the scope and in accordance with the provisions of the Act dated on 23rd April1964, the Civil Code (Journal of Laws of 2018, position 1025 with further amendments) and the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Act of 18th July.2002, on provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 144, position 1204, with further amendments).
      12. NETGO provides the User with the digital content or the digital service immediately after  conclusion of the contract, unless the parties have agreed otherwise.
      13. The digital content is considered delivered when the digital content or the means that allows access to the digital content or downloading the digital content have been made available to the User or a physical or virtual device that the User has chosen for this purpose, or when the User or such device, have accessed it.
      14. The digital service is considered delivered when the User or a physical or virtual device that the User has selected for this purpose has accessed it.
      15. The User may withdraw from the contract without requesting the delivery of the digital content or the digital service if:
      16. a) the NETGO’s statement or circumstances clearly indicate that the digital content or the digital service will not be provided or
      17. b) the User and NETGO agreed or it is clear from the circumstances of the conclusion of the contract that the specified date of delivery of the digital content or digital service was of significant importance to the User, and NETGO did not deliver them within the given time limit.
      18. NETGO is liable for the lack of conformity of the digital content or the digital service with the contract delivered at a single time or in parts, which existed at the time of delivery and became apparent within two years from that time. The lack of conformity of the digital content or digital service with the contract, which becomes apparent within one year from the delivery of the digital content or digital service, shall be presumed to have existed at the time of delivery.
      19. The presumptions specified in position 10 do not apply if:
      20. a) the User’s digital environment is not compatible with the technical requirements of which the User has been informed by NETGO in a clear and understandable manner before concluding the contract;
      21. b) the User, who, before concluding the contract, has been informed in a clear and understandable way about the obligation to cooperate with NETGO, to a reasonable extent and using the least onerous technical means for the User, in order to determine whether the lack of conformity of the digital content or the digital service with the contract in due time results from of the characteristics of the User’s digital environment, does not perform the obligation.


§ 5. Information clause – protection of personal data


To comply with the obligations arising from the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27th April 2016 on protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data and on free flow of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) hereinafter referred to as GDPR, NETGO spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (LLC LP) SP Z O.O. with its registered office in Katowice, ul. Graniczna 29, 40-017, Katowice, NIP: 9542755521, REGON: 361571148, entered by the Katowice-Wschód District Court in Katowice, 8th Commercial Division, under the number KRS 0000559238 (hereinafter referred to as NETGO), informs about the processing of the User’s personal data and the rights the client is entitled to. The following rules are applicable as of May 25th, 2018.

      1.         The controller of the personal data

NETGO spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (LLC LP) SP Z O.O. with its registered office in Katowice, ul. Graniczna 29, 40-017, Katowice, NIP: 9542755521, REGON: 361571148, entered by the Katowice-Wschód District Court in Katowice, 8th Commercial Division, under the number KRS 0000559238 is the controller of the personal data.

Telephone number:  +44 2031 293 603

E-mail address: support@vignette.express

      1.         Data protection officer

The data protection officer at NETGO can be contacted by email sent to the address: support@vignette.express

III.          Purpose and legal basis of the data processing

NETGO processes personal data for the purpose of executing a contract to which the person whose data are processed is a party, or to take actions at the request of the data subject before concluding the contract (Article 6 par. 1 letter b of the GDPR).

In particular situations, NETGO may process personal data due to the need to comply with legal obligations to which NETGO is subject  (Article 6 par. 1 letter c of the GDPR), or the processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person (Article 6 par. 1 letter d of the GDPR), or processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by NETGO (Article 6 par. 1 letter f of the GDPR), in particular, for the purpose related to:

      1. a)     marketing of products and services of NETGO,
      2. b)     monitoring and improvement of the quality of services provided by NETGO, including monitoring of telephone conversations and meetings, carrying out customer satisfaction surveys of services provided,
      3. c)     if applicable, the conduct of disputable proceedings, as well as proceedings before public authorities and other proceedings, including carrying on enquiry and defence against claims.
      4. d)     improving the quality of services, which includes examining traffic on the website.
      5. e) for statistical purposes and for the purposes of internal marketing analysis, which does not have legal effects on the data subject or similarly does not significantly affect them.

In all other situations, personal data are processed solely on the basis of the consent granted for the purpose specified in its content (Article 6 par. 1 letter a of the GDPR).

      1.         Recipients of the data

NETGO discloses or may disclose personal data to the following recipients or categories of recipients, in particular to:

      1. a)     public authorities and relevant state offices, competent to process applications and to register the vehicle in the electronic toll collection system;
      2. b)     entities that participate in the processes necessary to perform contracts concluded with clients, including banks, credit card operators, electronic and online payment agents,
      3. c)     entities which support NETGO in business processes, including in particular entities processing personal data for NETGO (so-called data processors), inter alia:

– hosting companies,

– legal services and accounting services,

– companies and external entities carrying out processes which are a part of the activities necessary to conclude the contract with the client.

      1.         Time of data processing

The User’s personal data, including sensitive data provided on the basis of consent, are processed by NETGO for the time necessary to achieve the objectives indicated in point III, that is, until the contract is concluded. After that period, NETGO may process the User’s data for a period of time and to the extent specified by law or for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller as in point. 3, however, no longer than 6 years since their collection. Insensitive data processed on the basis of separate consent shall be kept until the consent is withdrawn.

      1.         The rights of the data subjects

NETGO guarantees all Users exercising the data subject rights granted by the GDPR, including in particular:

      1. the right to access the personal data;
      2. the right to request correction of the personal data which are incorrect and the right to request supplementing of the incomplete personal data,
      3. the right to request erasure of the personal data (“the right to be forgotten”), when:
      4. a) the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they have been collected or otherwise processed;
      5. b) the data subject has withdrawn the consent on which the processing is based and there is no other legal ground for their processing;
      6. c) the data subject objects to the processing;
      7. d) the personal data have been unlawfully processed;
      8. e)  the personal data have to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation provided by law;
      9. f) the personal data have been collected in relation to providing the offer of information society services.
      10. the right to request restriction of processing of the personal data when:
      11. a)  the data subject challenges correctness of the personal data;
      12. b) the processing is unlawful and the data subject opposes to erasure of the personal data, requesting to limit their use instead;
      13. c) the controller no longer needs the personal data for processing but it is necessary for the data subject to establish an enquiry or defend their claims;
      14. d) the data subject has objected to the processing – pending determination of whether the legitimate grounds on the part of the controller take precedence over the grounds of objection.
      15. the right to transfer personal data if:
      16. a) the processing takes place on the basis of consent or on the basis of a contract, and
      17. b) the processing is automated.
      18. the right to object to the processing of the personal data, if there are reasons related to the User’s special situation and the processing results from indispensability for the purposes resulting from legally justified interests pursued by the controller.

VII.          Withdrawal of consent to data processing

To the extent of the User’s consent to processing of their personal data, the client is entitled to withdraw the consent at any time. The withdrawal takes place without affecting the legality of the processing which was carried out on the basis of the consent prior to its withdrawal.

VIII.  The right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority

In any situation, when the client considers that NETGO processes personal data contrary to the provisions of the GDPR, the client has the right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate supervisory authority.

      1. Transfer of personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area

NETGO may transfer personal data to international organizations and countries outside the European Economic Area for which the Commission has not found an adequate level of protection of personal data, in particular to the USA. The transfer of data takes place on the basis of standard contractual clauses agreed with the recipient, the content of which has been adopted by the European Commission and ensures the highest standards of personal data protection applied on the market. The User has the right to obtain a copy of the data transferred by NETGO.

      1. Obligation to provide personal data

Providing personal data is entirely voluntary. Providing data is a condition for concluding a contract with NETGO or it is necessary to achieve the objectives arising from the legitimate interests of NETGO. Failure to provide all the data will prevent conclusion and execution of the indicated contract.

      1. Profiling

Personal data of the User are not the subject to profiling.

§ 6. Cookie policy


      1. This policy defines the rules for storing information and accessing information already stored (cookies and other technologies including local storage) by NETGO spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (LLC LP) SP Z O.O. with its registered office in Katowice, ul. Graniczna 29, 40-017, Katowice, NIP: 9542755521, REGON: 361571148, entered by the Katowice-Wschód District Court in Katowice, 8th Commercial Division, under the number KRS 0000559238in the telecommunication device of the end user (computer, smartphone, tablet) of the website and its sub-pages.
      2. Cookies are small text files created by a web server, stored on the user’s end device. Cookies, specifically the information stored in them, are read primarily by the server that created them. The purpose of saving cookies is to store the website user’s data in the browser – saving the user’s information, including the frequency of the user’s visits to the website. Local storage files are used to facilitate the use of registration forms on the website because they save the data entered into the registration forms. Local storage files may store personal data. The data can be accessed only by the service which generated cookies or the local storage files. The most important cookies are:
      3. a) Native cookie for PHP applications – this cookie is used to collect and recognize a unique user session ID in order to manage the user’s session on the website. The cookie is deleted when the user closes all the browser windows.
      4. b) Cookie used to collect the user’s language preferences in order to display content in that collected language during the user’s future visits to the website.
      5. c)     Cookies installed by Google Analytics:

–  The cookie is used to calculate data such as: visitors, sessions, campaign and to track site usage for the site analytics report. The information stored by the cookie is anonymous as the cookie assigns a randomly generated number to identify each visitor.

– The cookie is used to collect information about how visitors use the website. The cookie is required to compile an analytical report on the website’s performance. The data includes the number of visitors, where they come from, the website pages visited in an anonymous form

      1. d) Cookies installed by Google Universal Analytics to reduce the number of requests to limit data storage on high traffic websites.
      2. e) Cookie installed by Yadex Metrica – this cookie is used to calculate data such as: visitors, sessions, campaign and to track site usage in the website analytics report. The information stored by the cookie is anonymous as the cookie assigns a randomly generated number to identify each visit.
      3. NETGO uses cookies and other technologies for statistical purposes to calculate the number of visits of users per page and to optimally match the content of the website to users’ preferences and easier usage of the website by users.
      4. NETGO website uses session cookies that are deleted immediately after leaving the website or its sub-pages by the user, as well as persistent cookies, which are stored on the user’s end device, and which are not automatically removed after the end of the session. Local storage files are generally not automatically deleted and they are saved in the user’s browser memory.
      5. A user who does not want cookies and files from other technologies to be stored in the browser’s memory should:
      6. a)     clear the browser’s memory,
      7. b)     disable, in the browser settings, the option of saving cookies and files from other technologies, or specify the time after which cookies are automatically removed from the browser’s memory. Preventing the saving of cookies completely may significantly impede use of some websites.


§ 7. Withdrawal from the Agreement


      1. The user, being a consumer, who has concluded an Agreement with the NETGO for provision of registration of a digital vignette may withdraw from it within 14 days without giving any reason and without incurring costs.
      2. If the User withdraws from the Agreement, it is considered void.
      3. If the User made a statement on withdrawal from the Agreement before NETGO accepted the User’s offer, the offer ceases to be binding.
      4. The period of withdrawal from the Agreement starts from the date of executing the Agreement, and in other cases from the date of conclusion of the Agreement.
      5. The User may withdraw from the Agreement by submitting a statement of withdrawal from the Agreement to NETGO. The statement may be submitted on the form, a template of which is included in Annex No. 1 to the Regulations, but it is not mandatory.
      6. To meet the deadline of withdrawal, it is enough to send a statement before the expiry date of the period by post to the address of the NETGO office or by e-mail to the address support@vignette.express
      7. NETGO confirms the User receiving the withdrawal from the Agreement by an e-mail.
      8. NETGO shall immediately, but not later than within 14 days from the date of receiving the statement sent by the User – consumer on withdrawal from the Agreement, return the User all payments made by them.
      9. NETGO returns the payment using the same method of payment as the one used by the User, unless the User has explicitly agreed to a different method of return, which does not involve any costs for them including the costs of delivery. NETGO may withhold the reimbursement of payments received from the consumer until the returned goods are received or until the User provides proof of their return, depending on which event occurs first.
      10. The provisions of the Regulations regarding the consumer apply to a natural person concluding a contract directly related to their business activity, when the content of this contract shows that it does not have a professional character for that person, resulting in particular from the subject of their business activity, made available on the basis of provisions on the Central Register and Information on Business.
      1. If the consumer exercises the right to withdraw from the contract after the consumer requests the performance of the service, the provision of which is to begin before the expiry of the deadline for withdrawing from the distance contract, the consumer is obliged to pay for the services provided until the withdrawal from the contract. The amount of payment is calculated in proportion to the scope of the service provided, taking into account the price or remuneration agreed in the contract.
      2. In the case of withdrawal from the contract for the supply of the digital content or the digital service, the User is obliged to stop using this digital content or the digital service and making it available to third parties.
      1. In the case of withdrawal from the contract, NETGO may prevent the User from further using the digital content or digital service, in particular by preventing them from accessing the digital content or the digital service or blocking the User’s account in this scope.
      2. The right to withdraw from the contract is not entitled to the User in relation to the contracts:
      1. a)     for provision of services for which the User is obliged to pay the price, if the entrepreneur has fully performed the service with the clear and prior consent of the User, who was informed before the commencement of the service that after the performance of the service by NETGO they would lose the right to withdraw from the contract, and the information was acknowledged;
      2. b)     for the delivery of digital content not delivered on a tangible carrier, for which the User is obliged to pay the price, if the entrepreneur commenced the service with the clear and prior consent of the User, who was informed before the start of the service that after the performance of the service by the entrepreneur they would lose the right to withdraw from the contract, and acknowledged it, and the entrepreneur provided the User with a confirmation.


§ 8. Invoices


      1. At the User’s request, NETGO issues an invoice in connection with the performance of the Agreement and sends it to the e-mail address indicated by the User.
      2. The User declares to agree to issuing an electronic invoice by NETGO in accordance with art. 106n par. 1 of the Act of 11th March 2004 on Value Added Tax (Journal of Laws of 2017, position 1221, with further amendments).

§ 9. Complaints and final provisions


      1. The User may submit complaints about services provided by NETGO, as per the Agreement, by:
      1. a) posting a letter to the following address: NETGO spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (LLC LP) SP Z O.O. with its registered office in Katowice, ul. Graniczna 29, 40-017, Katowice,
      2. b) sending an email to  –  support@vignette.express,
      3. c) phone to the number +44 2031 293 603
      1. NETGO deals with the complaint within 14 days since its delivery and sends the response to the address of the sender – User. NETGO reserves the right to send a request to the person lodging the complaint in order to clarify the relevant circumstances regarding the complaint. The deadline for considering the complaint may be extended accordingly, due to the waiting time for the User’s response.
      2. The Service, together with the constituting elements, including graphic, multimedia, text files and source code of the programs, are subject to the exclusive rights of NETGO. Without the consent of NETGO, it is forbidden to copy, reproduce or to use the components of the website in any other way in a manner inconsistent with its aim or purpose.
      3. When using the Service, it is forbidden for Users and Guests to use software that harms or may cause potentially damage to NETGO or other Users, or violate their rights, in particular, it is prohibited to use worms, spyware, viruses, etc..
      4. NETGO is entitled to change the Regulations for important reasons at any time, in particular when changes are due to technical or legal reasons. NETGO will inform the Users about the introduced changes by presenting information about the changes on the Service, publication of the updated text of the Regulations and sending messages about changes to the Regulations to the Users’ e-mail addresses. Changes to the Regulations come into force within 14 days from the date of posting the information about them on the Service along with the updated text of the Regulations. The existing provisions shall apply to the Agreements concluded before the date of the update.
      5. Polish law is the law applicable to relations arising from the Agreement. Disputes arising from the Agreement are subject to the jurisdiction of Polish common courts. The choice of Polish law does not exclude the protection granted to Users by mandatory provisions in the country where the User has their habitual residence.
      6. The Users who are consumers may try to reach out-of-court resolution of any NETGO disputes before the Permanent Consumer Mediation Court at the Provincial Inspector of Trade Inspection in Katowice (Stały Polubowny Sąd Konsumencki przy Wojewódzkim Inspektorze Inspekcji Handlowej w Katowicach).
      7. Consumer disputes regarding services provided online within the European Union may also be resolved through the ODR platform at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.
      8. The User may obtain free assistance in resolving a dispute with NETGO, also using the gratuitous help of the poviat (municipal) consumer ombudsman or a social organization, whose statutory tasks include consumer protection (including the Consumer Federation, Association of Polish Consumers – Federacja Konsumentów, Stowarzyszenie Konsumentów Polskich)http://www.katowice.wiih.gov.pl/p,64,polubowny-sad-konsumencki. Necessary information on the method of settling disputes can be found on the website http://www.uokik.gov.pl, under the tab “Settlement of consumer disputes”


Annex No. 1 – regulations of payment services


Regulations of payment are approachable at:

PayU – https://www.payu.pl/sites/pl_payu/files/downloads/Single%20Transactions%20T&C_220518_eng.pdf?20190124103252

Klarna – https://www.klarna.com/uk/terms-and-conditions/

Ingenico – https://www.ingenico.com/legal/ifs

Paypal – https://www.paypal.com/au/webapps/mpp/ua/paypalhereterms-full