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Czech Republic Vignette
Order a mandatory Czech Republic digital vignette for vehicles up to 3.5t.
Digital eco-friendly process
Secure & encrypted ordering process
All major payment methods accepted
Express processing in 1 min – 2 hours
Czech vignette types and fees
Currently, drivers can choose between three vignette types, which differ in terms of validity:
Vehicles up to 3.5t
*These are the eco prices for vehicles powered by natural gas or biomethane.
IMPORTANT: The prices listed include the standard vignette purchase fee and a commission for handling your order. For more information about the pricing policy of Vignette Express, see the ‘Pricing’ section.
About Czech vignette online
The Czech digital vignette is a mandatory document that drivers of certain vehicles must possess to drive in the Czech Republic. Since 2021, the Czech vignette has been available only as an e-vignette. Currently, traditional toll stickers are no longer sold.
The vignette requirement in the Czech Republic applies to all motor vehicles with at least four wheels up to 3.5 t. There are no extra tolls for motorbikes and trailers.
Drivers can easily buy a Czech vignette online. The purchasing process involves providing essential vehicle information, such as license plate number or country of registration, and covering the service fee. The vignette confirmation will arrive at the driver’s email address shortly after payment is completed. The Czech vignette system is fully digitalized, meaning the driver doesn’t need any printed confirmation of the purchase.
Drivers are exempt from a Czech vignette if their vehicles exceed 3.5t, including vans or campers. Instead, they should install a GPS device, and the toll will be estimated based on the distance traveled in the country.
Hydrogen or electric car owners (whose CO2 emission isn’t higher than 50g/km) are vignette-exempt. Nevertheless, they must hold a special plate to avoid paying the fees.

Czech roads with obligatory usage of a vignette
Vignette road: vignette needed by all vehicles.
Toll free: free to use.
Having a valid digital vignette may be mandatory if your driving route includes the following Czech motorways and expressways:
- D0 – Modletice – Slivenec (76 -16-os kijárat)
- D1 – Chodov – Kývalka (2-182-es kijárat)
- D1 – Holubice – Kroměříž-West (210-258. kijárat)
- D1 – Kroměříž-Ost – Říkovice (260-272 kijárat )
- D1 – Předmostí – Rudná (kijárat 282-354)
- D2 – Chrlice – Staatsgrenze (3-61. kijárat)
- D3 – Mezno – Čekanice (62-76. kijárat)
- D3 – Měšice – Veselí nad Lužnicí-Nord (79-104. kijárat)
- D3 – Veselí nad Lužnicí-Süd – Úsilné (107-131. kijárat)
- D4 – Jíloviště – Háje (9-45. kijárat)
- D5 – Třebonice – Beroun-Ost (1-14. kijárat)
- D5 – Sulkov – Staatsgrenze (89-151. kijárat)
- D6 – Jeneč – Krušovice (7-42. kijárat)
- D7 – Kněževes – Knovíz (3-18. kijárat)
- D8 – Zdiby – Řehlovice (1-64. kijárat)
- D8 – Knínice – Staatsgrenze (80-92. kijárat)
- D10 – Stará Boleslav – Bezděčín (14-39. kijárat)
- D10 – Kosmonosy – Ohrazenice (46-71. kijárat)
- D11 – Jirny – Sedlice (8-84. kijárat)
- D35 – Mohelnice-Süd – Křelov (235-261. kijárat)
- D35 – Holice – Lipník nad Bečvou (kijárat 276-296)
- D46 – Vyškov-Ost – Prostějov-Süd (1-21. kijárat)
- D46 – Držovice – Hněvotín (26-37. kijárat)
- D48 – Bělotín – Bělotín-Ost (1-3. kijárat)
- D48 – Rybí – Frýdek-Místek (22-44. kijárat)
- D48 – Dobrá – Žukov (54-70. kijárat)
- D52 – Rajhrad – Pohořelice-Nord (10-23. kijárat)
- D55 – Hulín – Otrokovice-Nord (16-30. kijárat)
- D56 – Hrabová-ipari övezet – Frýdek-Místek-Nord (40-52. kijárat)
Important: Identifying roads where a vignette is required isn’t a difficult task. White and green road signs mean that these roads require obtaining a Czech digital vignette.
Vehicles over 3.5t
Drivers of vehicles over 3.5t who plan to drive in the Czech Republic must register online in the MYTO system. Also, they are required to install a special device with a GPS. The toll will then be measured based on the mileage.
How to buy a Czech vignette online?
Purchasing a digital vignette for the Czech Republic is intuitive and straightforward. Instead of wasting your time finding the nearest sales point, order your vignette online using any electronic device with Internet access.
- Choose a vignette type and provide all required details, including license plates, registration country, etc.
- Indicate the activation date of your vignette in the online calendar feature.
- Pay the mandatory service fee using one of the available methods of online payment.
You don’t have to print out the confirmation that will be sent to your email. All your vehicle details will be stored online.
IMPORTANT: When buying a Czech vignette online, you should know that no cooling-off period applies. Your vignette can be immediately valid, or it will start from the date selected during the purchasing process.

Why are vignettes required in the Czech Republic?
Many European countries introduced the vignette system to collect the road tax, which is a significant source of money. The funds can be spent on maintaining the national road network.
Vignettes are a form of road tax that is imposed on drivers. The fees differ according to the duration of time they plan to use the toll roads in the Czech Republic.
The Czech Republic introduced camera systems monitoring vehicles on the road. Using highways and expressways without an active vignette is subject to fines.
Exceptions to the vignette usage in the Czech Republic
You shouldn’t have problems identifying toll roads as they are marked with green and white road signs along the Czech highways and expressways. Note that there are some cities where you don’t need a vignette, including Brno and Prague.
Certain vehicle categories are allowed to drive in the Czech Republic without a valid vignette, including:
Vehicles registered in the Czech Republic
- vehicles powered by hydrogen or electricity with CO2 emission up to 50g/km (holding special license plates)
- vehicles transporting certain individuals (severely disabled people)
- vehicles transporting dependent children (treated for hemoblastosis or cancer)
- historic vehicles (holding special license plates)
Vehicles registered abroad
- vehicles powered by hydrogen or electricity with CO2 emission up to 50g/km (holding special license plates)

The Police of the Czech Republic and the Customs Administration perform vignette controls by scanning vehicle license plate numbers. Thanks to the camera system, they can verify vehicles traveling without an active vignette or check whether they are vignette-exempt. The patrols equipped with cameras are connected to control gates. The control can also be performed at parking lots or rest stops.
A person who is driving without an active vignette should expect a fine of up to CZK 20,000. Misusing the right to exemption is subject to even higher penalties – up to CZK 100,000 for submitting an exemption notice without being entitled to do so and up to CZK 5,000 if eligible for exemption but a driver failed to submit the notice.