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Hungary vignette roads

Order a mandatory Hungary digital vignette for vehicles up to 3.5t.

About vignette roads in Hungary

Vignette roads in Hungary are the toll roads where an electronic vignette is required. In order to get the proper permit, drivers of vehicles up to 3.5 tons must take part in the simple process where they should provide their information in the form (such as license plate number or validity period of vignette), cover the service fee, and wait for the further information. No physical sticker or visit at the gas station is needed anymore, as the whole procedure is done online.

Hungary vignette roads

Hungarian roads with obligatory usage of a vignette

Below, you can check where the digital vignette for Hungary is required:

Motorways in Hungary:

  • M0 (Budapest Bypass) – Biatorbágy – Budaörs
  • M1 – Budapest – Hegyeshalom
  • M2 – Dunakeszi – Hont–Parassapuszta
  • M3 – Budapest – Beregdaróc
  • M4 – Budapest – Nagykereki
  • M5 – Budapest – Röszke
  • M6 – Budapest – Ivándárda
  • M7 – Budapest – Letenye
  • M8 – Balatonfőkajár – Abony
  • M9 – Szekszárd – Nemesnádudvar
  • M15 – Levél – Rajka
  • M19 – Győr East – Győr North
  • M25 – Kál East – Eger
  • M30 – Emőd – Tornyosnémeti
  • M31 – Nagytarcsa – Gödöllő
  • M35 – Görbeháza – Berettyóújfalu
  • M43 – Szeged – Csanádpalota
  • M44 – Nagykőrös – Békéscsaba
  • M51 – Budapest – Budapest
  • M60 – Bóly – Barcs
  • M70 – Letenye – Tornyiszentmiklós
  • M85 – Győr – Sopron
  • M86 – Körmend – Levél
  • M87 – Szombathely – Kőszeg

Note that more roads are under construction.

Hungary vignette online

When should I buy a Hungarian vignette?

A vignette for Hungary should be bought before you enter toll motorways in the country. All drivers whose vehicle weighs more than 3.5 tons must have a vignette in order to use toll roads in Hungary. This rule applies to the following vehicle categories:

  • D1M category (motorcycles, mopeds, scooters)
  • D1 category (passenger cars weighing less than 3.5 t for transport of no more than 7 people or motorcycles)
  • D2 category (campers and passenger cars with DMC)
  • U category (trailers towed by cars)

There are several vignette types for travelers who plan to drive through toll roads in Hungary depending on the validity period: a vignette for 10 days, for 30 days, or for an entire year. You can pick the one you are interested in during the process of getting a vignette for toll road.

Vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tons must have a special onboard unit with GPS that measures the distance driven on the toll road in Hungary. The system is very effective.

Speed limits in Hungary

The speed limits in Hungary are as follows:

Motorcycles, passenger cars, vans

  • urban: 50 km/h
  • highways: 90 km/h
  • expressways: 110 km/h
  • freeways: 130 km/h

Cars and vans with trailers

  • urban: 50 km/h
  • highways: 70 km/h
  • expressways: 80 km/h
  • freeways: 80 km/h

Heaving goods vehicles (over 3.5 t)

  • urban: 50 km/h
  • highways: 70 km/h
  • expressways: 70 km/h
  • freeways: 80 km/h


  • urban: 50 km/h
  • highways: 70 km/h
  • expressways: 70 km/h
  • freeways: 80 km/h

It is good to know that some multiple-lane urban roads may have different speed limits (such as 60, 70, or 80 km/h). Besides, residential neighborhoods are usually located in 30 km/h zones, while higher speed limits can be imposed on rural highways (110 km/h or 100 km/h).

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